Understanding embedded application integration with mmob
mmob’s embedded services platform enables applications to be integrated seamlessly into third-party websites. This allows businesses (the application owners) to build and deploy applications that their commercial partners can embed into their platforms using mmob’s SDK. mmob offers multiple SDKs to support various integration channels. In this article, we focus specifically on the Web SDK, which enables embedded applications to be integrated into third-party websites using a JavaScript-based approach.
Watch the integration in action
If you prefer a visual walkthrough, watch the video below, where we demonstrate how to deploy an embedded application using mmob’s Web SDK and integrate it into a commercial partner’s website.
This article provides an overview of the integration process from two perspectives:
- The application owner, who creates and deploys the application
- The commercial partner or deployer, who integrates the application into their website or application
By following this process, applications can be embedded efficiently with minimal technical effort, making it easier for businesses to offer embedded services to their users.
The application owner: Deploying the application
Before an embedded application can be integrated, the application owner must first build and deploy it using mmob’s platform.
Building the application
The application owner develops the embedded application using mmob’s low-code builder. This could be a financial tool, an interactive service, or any other web-based functionality designed for embedding.
Deploying the application
Once the application is complete, it needs to be deployed so commercial partners can integrate it. The deployment process includes:
- Naming the deployment and adding a description
- Selecting the commercial partner who will be embedding the application
- Selecting the initial view – the first screen users will see when they open the application
Generating the integration snippet
After deployment, the platform provides a snippet of JavaScript code. This snippet contains the necessary configuration for embedding the application and is shared with the commercial partner along with relevant documentation.
deployer_id: "your-deployer-id",
integration_id: "your-integration-id",
location: "#your-target-element",
owner_id: "your-owner-id",
uid: "user@example.com"
At this stage, the application is fully deployed and ready for integration. The next step is embedding it within the commercial partner’s website.
The commercial partner: Embedding the application
On the commercial partner’s side, the goal is to integrate the application into their website so users can access it seamlessly.
Preparing the website
The website must have a designated area where the embedded application will appear.
<div id="mmob-target"></div>
Importing the mmob SDK
The mmob SDK needs to be included in the website using a script tag in the <head>
section of your html page.
<script src="https://enterprise-client.mmob.com/snippet.min.js"></script>
Injecting the embedded application
The commercial partner takes the JavaScript snippet provided by the application owner and places it before the closing <body>
tag of their webpage.
deployer_id: "your-deployer-id",
integration_id: "your-integration-id",
location: "#mmob-target",
owner_id: "your-owner-id",
uid: "john.doe@example.com"
Configuring the integration
Some values in the snippet should be updated before use:
- Location – The ID of the element where the application will be injected
- User identifier (uid) – A unique identifier for the user. If omitted, a random ID will be generated, but it will not persist across sessions.
Testing the integration
Once the snippet is correctly configured and saved, refreshing the website should display the embedded application within the target element.
The benefits of seamless integration
Embedding applications through mmob provides several advantages:
- Commercial partners can integrate applications without significant development effort
- Users interact with the embedded application as if it were part of the platform
- Persistent user sessions ensure a consistent experience across visits
This integration model allows businesses to offer embedded services with minimal friction while maintaining control over deployment and functionality. Whether you are a business owner, a developer, or a commercial partner, mmob’s platform simplifies the process of embedding financial services and other interactive tools into any digital environment.