Customer information fields

Available fields for customerInfo

emailStringMax Length 255
titleStringMax Length 10
first_nameStringMax Length 255
surnameStringMax Length 255
dobDatetime ISO 8601
phone_numberStringMax Length 15
mobile_numberStringMax Length 15
preferred_nameStringMax Length 255
passport_numberStringMax Length 50
national_insurance_numberStringMax Length 15
building_numberStringMax Length 50
address_1StringMax Length 50
address_2StringMax Length 50
address_3StringMax Length 50
town_cityStringMax Length 50
countyStringMax Length 50
postcodeStringMax Length 8
country_of_residenceStringMax Length 50
nationalityStringMax Length 50
genderStringMax Length 15
relationship_statusStringMax Length 50
partner_first_nameStringMax Length 255
partner_surnameStringMax Length 255
partner_dobDatetime ISO 8601
partner_sexStringMax Length 15
relationship_to_partnerStringMax Length 50
smokerString"yes" / "no"
drinkerString"yes" / "no"

The meta field

The meta field allows to save any arbitrary information. Use snake case, eg.

  customerInfo: {
    meta: {
      random_id: 'xxxxx',


In the snippet, customerInfo is required but all fields are optional. We do suggest however that you provide as much information as you can to allow users to join services without having to ask for missing fields whenever a provider requires them.

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